Components.Modal public

Component for creating Bootstrap modals with custom markup.


<BsModal @onSubmit= as |modal|>
    <h4 class="modal-title"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-alert"></i> Alert</h4>
    Are you absolutely sure you want to do that???
  <modal.footer as |footer|>
    <BsButton @onClick= @type="danger">Oh no, forget it!</BsButton>
    <BsButton @onClick= @type="success">Yeah!</BsButton>

The component yields references to the following contextual components, that you can use to further customize the output:

Furthermore references to the following actions are yielded:

  • close: triggers the onHide action and closes the modal
  • submit: triggers the onSubmit action (or the submit event on a form if present in the body element)

Further reading

See the documentation of the bs-modal-simple component for further examples.

Note that only invoking the component in a template as shown above is considered part of its public API. Extending from it (subclassing) is generally not supported, and may break at any time.







Hide the modal


private async

Hide the backdrop



Clean up after modal is hidden and call onHidden









Show the modal


private async

Show the backdrop

_isOpen unknown private

_renderInPlace boolean private

backdrop boolean public

Use a semi-transparent modal background to hide the rest of the page.

backdropClose boolean public

If true clicking on the backdrop will close the modal.

backdropElement HTMLElement private

The DOM element of the backdrop element.

backdropTransitionDuration number public

The duration of the backdrop fade transition

bodyComponent {String} private

dialogComponent {String} private

fade boolean public

Set to false to disable fade animations.

footerComponent {String} private

fullscreen {(Boolean|String)} public

[BS5 only!] Allows adding fullscreen mode for modals. It will apply the modal-fullscreen class when using true and modal-fullscreen-[x]-down class when using BS breakpoints ([x] = sm, md, lg, xl, xxl).

Also see the Bootstrap docs

headerComponent {String} private

inDom boolean private

Render modal markup?

keyboard boolean public

Closes the modal when escape key is pressed.

modalElement HTMLElement private

The DOM element of the .modal element.

onHidden function public

The action to be sent after the modal has been completely hidden (including the CSS transition).

onHide function public

The action to be sent when the modal is closing. This will be triggered by pressing the modal header's close button (x button) or the modal footer's close button. Note that this will happen before the modal is hidden from the DOM, as the fade transitions will still need some time to finish. Use the onHidden if you need the modal to be hidden when the action triggers.

You can return false to prevent closing the modal automatically, and do that in your action by setting open to false.

onShow function public

The action to be sent when the modal is opening. This will be triggered immediately after the modal is shown (so it's safe to access the DOM for size calculations and the like). This means that if fade=true, it will be shown in between the backdrop animation and the fade animation.

onShown function public

The action to be sent after the modal has been completely shown (including the CSS transition).

onSubmit function public

The action to be sent when the modal footer's submit button (if present) is pressed. Note that if your modal body contains a form (e.g. Components.Form) this action will not be triggered. Instead, a submit event will be triggered on the form itself. See the class description for an example.

open boolean public

Visibility of the modal. Toggle to show/hide with CSS transitions.

When the modal is closed by user interaction this property will not update by using two-way bindings in order to follow DDAU best practices. If you want to react to such changes, subscribe to the onHide action

paddingLeft number|undefined private

paddingRight number|undefined private

position {string} public

[BS4 only!] Vertical position, either 'top' (default) or 'center' 'center' will apply the modal-dialog-centered class

renderInPlace boolean public

If true component will render in place, rather than be wormholed.

scrollable boolean public

[BS4 only!] Allows scrolling within the modal body 'true' will apply the modal-dialog-scrollable class

scrollbarWidth number private

shouldShowBackdrop boolean private

showModal boolean private

Used to apply Bootstrap's visibility classes.

size String public

Property for size styling, set to null (default), 'lg' or 'sm'

Also see the Bootstrap docs

transitionDuration number public

The duration of the fade transition

usesTransition boolean private

Use CSS transitions?