Components.Carousel public

Ember implementation of Bootstrap's Carousel. Supports all original features but API is partially different:

Description Original Component
Autoplays after first user event or on page load. ride='carousel'|false autoPlay=false|true
Disable automatic cycle. interval=false interval=0
If first slide should follow last slide on "previous" event, the opposite will also be true for "next" event. wrap=false|true wrap=false|true
Jumps into specific slide index data-slide-to=n index=n
Keyboard events. keyboard=false|true keyboard=false|true
Left-to-right or right-to-left sliding. N/A ltr=false|true
Pause current cycle on mouse enter. pause='hover'|null pauseOnMouseEnter=false|true
Show or hide controls Tag manipulation. showControls=false|true
Show or hide indicators Tag manipulation. showIndicators=false|true
Waiting time of slides in an automatic cycle. interval=n interval=n

Default settings are the same as the original, so you don't have to worry about changing parameters.

<BsCarousel as |car|>
    <img alt="First slide" src="slide1.jpg">
    <img alt="Second slide" src="slide2.jpg">
    <img alt="Third slide" src="slide3.jpg">

To better understand the whole documentation, you should be aware of the following operations:

Operation Description
Transition Swaps two slides.
Interval Waiting time after a transition.
Presentation Represents a single transition, or a single interval, or the union of both.
Cycle Presents all slides until it reaches first or last slide.
Wrap wrap slides, cycles without stopping at first or last slide.

Note that only invoking the component in a template as shown above is considered part of its public API. Extending from it (subclassing) is generally not supported, and may break at any time.



Indicates what class names should be applicable to the current transition slides.



Do a presentation and calls itself to perform a cycle.



Sets the following slide index within the lower and upper bounds.



Coordinates the correct slide movement direction.



Waits an interval time to start a cycle.

autoPlay boolean public

Starts automatic sliding on page load. This parameter has no effect if interval is less than or equal to zero.

canTurnToLeft unknown private

If a slide can turn to left, including corners.

canTurnToRight unknown private

If a slide can turn to right, including corners.

childSlides array private

All CarouselSlide child components.

childSlidesObserver unknown private

This observer is the entry point for real time insertion and removing of slides.

currentIndex unknown private

Indicates the current index of the current slide.

currentSlide unknown private

The current slide object that is going to be used by the nested slides components.

directionalClassName { 'left' | 'right' | null } private

Bootstrap style to indicate that a given slide should be moving to left/right.

followingIndex number private

Indicates the next slide index to move into.

followingIndex unknown private

The following slide object that is going to be used by the nested slides components.

hasInterval boolean private

index number public

Index of starting slide.

indexObserver unknown private

This observer is the entry point for programmatically slide changing.

indicators unknown private

interval number public

Waiting time before automatically show another slide. Automatic sliding is canceled if interval is less than or equal to zero.

isMouseHovering boolean private

If user is hovering its cursor on component. This property is only manipulated when 'pauseOnMouseEnter' is true.

keyboard boolean public

Should bind keyboard events into sliding.

ltr boolean public

If automatic sliding should be left-to-right or right-to-left. This parameter has no effect if interval is less than or equal to zero.

nextControlClassName string private

The class name to append to the next control link element.

nextControlIcon string public

The next control icon to be displayed.

nextControlLabel string public

Label for screen readers, defaults to 'Next'.

orderClassName string private

Bootstrap style to indicate the next/previous slide.

pauseOnMouseEnter boolean public

Pauses automatic sliding if mouse cursor is hovering the component. This parameter has no effect if interval is less than or equal to zero.

presentationState { 'didTransition' | 'willTransit' | null } private

The current state of the current presentation, can be either "didTransition" or "willTransit".

prevControlClassName string private

The class name to append to the previous control link element.

prevControlIcon string public

The previous control icon to be displayed.

prevControlLabel string public

Label for screen readers, defaults to 'Previous'.

shouldNotDoPresentation boolean private

shouldRunAutomatically boolean private

showControls boolean public

Show or hide controls.

showIndicators boolean public

Show or hide indicators.

slideComponent {String} private

transition string public

The type slide transition to perform. Options are 'fade' or 'slide'. Note: BS4 only

transitionDuration number public

The duration of the slide transition. You should also change this parameter in Bootstrap CSS file.

wrap boolean public

If false will hard stop on corners, i.e., first slide won't make a transition to the last slide and vice versa.



Action called after the slide has changed.

Event Payload:

  • toIndex Object